The dimensions of the stand are based on holding an engine as big as the Mopar big block 440.
The two main cross members were designed to easily slide the entire length of the stand, and there are six fully adjustable uprights that easily slide the entire width of the stand. The four uprights attached to the adjustable cross members are for supporting the engine [and transmission with Mopars] and are capable of adjusting to fit any engine up to the monster 440. The two uprights on the front frame rail are designed to adjust to fit any radiator.
In essence, you could break in a Ford 351 engine one day and then break in a VW air cooled the next. All you would need to do is change out the unique uprights that fit that engine.
We fabricated a ‘pod’ which holds the engine gauges, tachometer, switches, and ignition system. Simply hook up a battery, provide fuel [we have a five gallon boat gas cell for that], turn on the main power switch, press the starter button and bingo…break in time!
Bill, Mike, Jerry, Robin, and myself spent a day finalizing the pod, fabricating the radiator uprights, and wiring the stand. Mike and Bill were the electricians, I worked the metal, Robin took pictures and asked questions, and Jerry supervised. It was a fun day with lots of laughs and ribbing, ending when we hooked everything up and bumped the starter making sure it all worked!